
These nodes provide the ability to visualize information generated by other nodes and provide crosslinks to integrated tools such as MolStar or SeqViz (see System Features).

Image Viewer

Displays an image.

Input: Image generated from previous plot node. Can be downloaded directly from the node.

InterPro Accession Viewer

Link to InterPro sequence motif database. Views the InterPro accession of a selection, if available.

Input: Selection, usually from the Interpro scan node in Annotations.

Protein Structure Viewer

Provides a preview of generated PDB structures, as well as a crosslink to MolStar for a more detailed exploration of 3D protein structures.


  • Structure: Protein Structure (PDB format)
  • Selections (optional): Selection of the protein structure (e.g., from Add Selection node in Annotations).

Input Parameters:

  • Render Mode: Is selected from drop-down menu (cartoon, tube, lines, lineTrace, sline, trace).
  • Render Quality: Is selected from drop-down menu (low, medium, high).